Monday, October 7, 2013

10 white soldiers all trimmed in n' neatly
they marchin' off the beat, tap-a tap-a tap-a
all Ebenezer some days, humbug the sunshine
grimace n' spit, achin' to the bone, headlong
drift into the breeze 'til his nose'd bleed
croakin' over Shiva's open arms under the blanket
give 'im a break, give 'im a break

Mr. Chin's out in the square, d'ya see?
gather round kiddies, he's famous d'ya know?
talk 'im a sentence -- nah man, not me
question: "are you comfortable?"
answer: "Germany." -- no kiddin'
they talk n' talk with Mr. Chin
they wait'n line for a Hollywood minute
he's got the prettiest blue eyes
ya'd never see on TV

in a faraway land, we got it made
sellin' shade'd make ya'a fortune
spinnin' a chain on the corner
face the music for a good show
good moves, good moneys, s'good
but some days I wish it would rain

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